Just over half of the sample (53%) stated they ride a few
times per year, as opposed to monthly (15%), a few times per
month (14%), once or twice per week (5%), or more often
(12%). One third of the students agreed (slightly,moderately,
or strongly) that they bike primarily for transportation reasons,
whereas 75% agreed to some extent that they bike for
recreational reasons. Over half (60%) knew someone who
has been in an accident, and 6% personally knew someone
who was killed in a bicycle accident. A majority of the students
(75%) stated that they themselves have been injured
while riding, whereas fewer (12%) reported that their injury
required medical attention.
Less than half of the students (46%) reported owning a bicycle
helmet. Only 12% were self-reported helmet users; the
majority (72%) reported not wearing a helmet and having no
intention to do so in the future. When asked the top reason
for not wearing a helmet, the most common reasons were
that they don’t ride often enough (24%), they don’t own one
(12%), they just don’t want to (8%), or they are too