Conclusion You can interpret the agents of the poem to mean different role but the actions of the agent of the poem is doing the same thing. The subject is hiding true intentions, seeking to destroy, and discovery knowledge which is causing the subject of the first sentence to be ill. The identity of each actor can be interpreted in many ways, but the action of each actor is same with each interpretation. Virtue is about conformity of life and conduct that is voluntary observed and can mean sexual purity. This can have connotations that the act is used for the purpose and not for perverted purposes such a pleasure at the expense of others dignity. This can relate to governmental relationships, personal relationships and business relationships. The virtuous actoracts with in the moral standard that was set down to promote virtue in the community, does anact for the accepted ends and not another reasons. A person will hide immoral acts and acts of pleasure that causes others to suffer because the actor does not to be seen as not virtuous but these secret crimes destroy the social contract among men creates and unhappiness. The immoralacts or corruption creates a need for total enforcement of virtue. The problem is the Monarch canturn like a worm for total enforcement of virtue since a person is a monarch that would be incline pervert the everyday ritual of people to hinder others for own pleasure and leisure, which willlead to destruction of the community because there is nothing checking the monarch. The parasite will drain the host, until the host is dead. The worm gets into the seat of power which is the flower in this poem, and drains the resources for creation for pleasure. There are different ways to interpret the actors but the action is still the same. This is why I believe this poem is about the lost of virtue to corruption because the action of the poem supports this