Press one to make a new reservation, press two to inquire about a current reservation, or press star to repeat the menu. All of our customer service representatives are now busy with other customer. Your call is very important to us. Please stay on the line.
Voice: “QUEST-We do our best.” Please enter your 12-digit card number.
Attendant: Hello. QUEST Customer service. Please tell me your name as it appears on your card.
Jessica: Jessica Moskowitz.
Attendant: Can you spell your last name?
Jessica: Moskowitz. That’s M-O-S-K-O-W-I-T-Z.
Attendant: What’s your card number, again?
Jessica: It’s 3542 7980 5691.
Attendant: Did you say 5691?
Jessica: Yes, that’s correct.
Attendant: And for identification purposes, what is your mother’s maiden name?
Jessica: Robinson
Attendant: OK. I’ve found your record. How can I help you?
Jessica: I want to report a stolen card.
Attendant: Now, ma’am, what was the last purchase you made on the card?
Jessica: Let me see. It was at Daisy’s Flower shop, wasn’t it? I can’t remember exactly. I use my card all the time. But it was yesterday morning.
About the conversation
1. What does Jessica want to report?
2. What other personal information does the attendant need?
3. How often does Jessica use her credit card?
4. When was the last time she used it?