We were happy to meet you on June 18th in your office to discuss about the Electrical Power Failures at the Panya condo B.
During this meeting you gave us a lot of explaination on the progresses which will be done on the electrical lines to avoid any Power Failures
Notably you promised to install 3 nets (poles protection), free of charges on the three poles of the condos A,B, C to avoid the animals to go up the poles and creates short circuits. Those nets had to be installed within one month following our meeting means before 18th of July, but it is not yet done
This morning August 2nd, at 07h15 one animal created short circuit at the top of the condo C electrical pole and during 02h00 the three condos A,B,C did not have electricity
This power failure could be avoided if the nets (poles protection) were installed as you promised. Can you please proceed very quickly. Condo B co owners are becoming more and more upsets and are asking for solutions.
Also we had to receive the quotation for replacing the 300 m cables between your pole and condos poles. Today we did not receive anything. On this subject can you go ahead quickly