Here below are the product presentation and Paper presentation "outline" :
-What is your Product?
Require to have a photo of your product
-Why are you interested in this product? ( why you choose this product?)
-What is the meaning behind the Product? ( For ex: why used that picture? why used red color?)
-What makes it unique? How are you different from other product?
-What is/are the benefits to having or buying your product?
-Where did you order the product?
Adress, contact no., email
- Present the Cost Table :
Comparison between Whole sale Prices and Retail Prices
How much at least you have to order for wholesale?
Original cost? and sale cost?
Note to remember
: Each group have to hand in a least 2 items of your Products for the committee
: Product Presentation have to present in ENGLISH language
: Each group have 10 minutes for presentation only.
: Paper presentation have to used ENGLISH language which is up to 7-10 pages .
IMPORTANT: All student name and ID MUST BE SHOWN in the paper. If the name or ID is missing you will lose 30 score for the report.