One of the basic propositions of the death awareness movement (1969) was acceptance of an inevitable death to
reduce conflict and anxiety (Kubler-Ross, 1969). There is a general consensus of accepting death as a reality to
enhance life. Sigmund Freud’s theory proposed that a death instinct causes an unconscious desire to die whereas a
life instinct pertains to survival, an internalized death instinct could cause aggression within self leading to selfdestructive
behaviors (Cherry, 2013). Therefore, a balance is again sought between these dual instincts to provide a
better understanding of the human process. Ernest Becker suggested that death is one of the main causes of
psychological concerns for human beings, and this could be lessened by a good maternal upbringing which would
lead to a positive attitude towards death (Becker, 1973). This again suggests that a positive attitude about death is
imperative for developing a healthy balance within self.
One of the basic propositions of the death awareness movement (1969) was acceptance of an inevitable death toreduce conflict and anxiety (Kubler-Ross, 1969). There is a general consensus of accepting death as a reality toenhance life. Sigmund Freud’s theory proposed that a death instinct causes an unconscious desire to die whereas alife instinct pertains to survival, an internalized death instinct could cause aggression within self leading to selfdestructivebehaviors (Cherry, 2013). Therefore, a balance is again sought between these dual instincts to provide abetter understanding of the human process. Ernest Becker suggested that death is one of the main causes ofpsychological concerns for human beings, and this could be lessened by a good maternal upbringing which wouldlead to a positive attitude towards death (Becker, 1973). This again suggests that a positive attitude about death isimperative for developing a healthy balance within self.
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