The data presented in this study were collected using an Olympus Innov-X DELTA Premium Handheld XRF Analyzer. Weighing roughly four pounds, the instrument is equipped with a rechargeable Li-ion battery, a large-area silicon drift detector (with a resolution of approximately 185 eV), and a 4 W Rh anode X-ray tube that provides the excitation source. The specific X-ray tube geometry and variable excitation source configuration allows for analysis of a large range of the periodic table. Due to the low beam energies however, these measurements are not as precise as those that can be produced using a laboratory XRF, though we demonstrate that this does not affect the utility of the instrument in a field setting. These low energies also mean that the signals for light elements e specifically those lighter than Mg e preclude accurate detection and measurement with this system but again, as we will demonstrate, this only slightly limits the value of field applications of the hXRF. Noble gasses are also not measurable, nor are actinides heavier than Pu. This will be further discussed in the following sections.