What is Kancho?
Kancho is the ancient art of clasping your hands together and poking someone... in the rear.- Read More -
In the rear - the pooper, the stinkhole, the wazoo, where the sun don't shine...- Read More -
Who would do something like that?
Kancho is a traditional prank in Japan, where it occurs daily in elementary and often in junior high schools. - Read More -
Why is everybody doing Kancho?
The short answer: because it's funny. When asked why they do Kancho, Japanese people often give answers such as: communication, kinship, we've always done it, and their butt was in the air making a good target, or "I'm short, you're tall, think about it." - Read More -
How can I learn to Kancho like a master?
You could move to Japan, or you could enroll at Kancho University.
What is Kancho?Kancho is the ancient art of clasping your hands together and poking someone... in the rear.- Read More -Where?In the rear - the pooper, the stinkhole, the wazoo, where the sun don't shine...- Read More -Who would do something like that?Kancho is a traditional prank in Japan, where it occurs daily in elementary and often in junior high schools. - Read More -Why is everybody doing Kancho?The short answer: because it's funny. When asked why they do Kancho, Japanese people often give answers such as: communication, kinship, we've always done it, and their butt was in the air making a good target, or "I'm short, you're tall, think about it." - Read More -How can I learn to Kancho like a master?You could move to Japan, or you could enroll at Kancho University.
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