Trust is what makes everyone realize that you are always there for them. Faith is what makes everyone realize that you are always there to help them in case they need some help. Love makes not everyone, but the only one in your life who is special, think that you are always there for him, to be with him, to cherish him, to fulfill him dreams, to share with him and most of all, to make him realize how much you really love him.You don't have to be perfect to be in this place. You don't have to have all the answers, or always know the right thing to say. You can climb the highest mountain if you want. Or you can quietly imagine that you might someday. You can take chances or take safety nets, make miracles or make mistakes. You don't have to be composed at all hours to be strong here. You don't have to be bold or certain to be brave. You don't have to have all the answers here, or even know who you want to be, just take my hand and rest your heart and stay awhile with me.In your life you will find one person, your forever love, your forever friend. This person is your soul mate, your one true love, and your best friend. The love between you will go beyond words, and be spoken deep within the eyes. This feeling, this connection, will never be broken. They will truly show you that forever means, forever.Everyone wants success; yet, they often don't know when they have it. For most, success is the desire for a 'better life', or more quantities; however, success is not material wealth. It is not to be sought in the outside world, but discovered within. It is kindness shared, support given, and love sought. Success matters most when pain enters our lives. Pain hurts; yet, we must remember when tears are on the outside, healing is on the inside. Success will take us where we want to go; however, the designated driver of success lies somewhere hidden deep in the mysteries of love.i believe our love will be our own success.The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would be almost equally sad to leave this world without ever telling those you loved that you love them.And i want to tell you now love, i love you my angel