Food quality has increasingly become one of the main drivers of food choice, and attributes such as food composition are
gaining importance in product quality considerations. This paper describes food quality trends observed in the international
context and the manifestation of these trends within the food industry. From a consumer’s perspective, improved knowledge of
the composition and function of foods has contributed to many of these food trends. Science-driven health education could
continue these positive changes in nutritional behaviour. Consumer health education projects, often called social marketing
campaigns, aim to promote awareness of the health and nutritional advantages of foods, on the basis of composition data, in an
effort to change behaviour. Agents of change in this process must be believable and trustworthy. To effectively promote healthy
lifestyles to reduce the global burden of malnutrition and non-communicable diseases, consumer education requires a wide
multisectoral approach. This approach needs to involve various sectors, including government, health professionals, the science
fraternity and the private sector.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 64, S128–S133; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.223