Indeed all over the world research findings reveal examples of students at all levels rejecting mathematics, fearing it,
disliking it, given a chance preferring it as last resort. In addition the modern society is demanding much greater
mathematical knowledge of its citizens than ever before. How does mathematics curriculum be structure to enhance mathematical learning among students at all level. In attempting to look closely at mathematical learning it is
essential to start examining process of effective teaching and learning. Vast literature had shown that effective
teaching of mathematics is the result of a complex coordination of specific knowledge and specific beliefs and the
culture on teaching and learning mathematics at the primary, secondary and tertiary level. Pajares posited that belief
about mathematics can determine how one chooses to mentally construct the whole idea of mathematics (Pajeras,
1992). This is especially true when the belief has been in-grained in the students’ world of mathematics. Beliefs are
personal principles, constructed from experience that an individual employs, often unconsciously to interpret new
experiences and information and to guide action. Actions taken by students during learning processes have greatly
affected the knowledge acquisition of mathematics. Cobb defined beliefs as an individual’s personal assumptions
about the nature of reality (Cobb, 1986). The importance of beliefs in the life of a student is stressed again because
these assumptions constitute the goal-oriented activity. In learning environments, students’ belief might propagate
the idea for achievements and smoothness of learning. In the mathematics learning process, student’s belief about
the nature of mathematics and factors related to the learning are two components that always concern mathematics
educators. In addition, affect is a significant and critical dimension of learning (Zembylas, 2004). With this in mind,
it seems important to pay close attention to the mathematical classroom experiences of students, as these are critical
in the development of affective dispositions and views towards mathematics (Gresalfi & Cobb, 2006)