Hi baby, I am now sitting in adu Dubai airport waiting for my flight to Manchester . My love for you even though we have only been together a short time is of friendship and passion, whereas with Nui it is friendship and the loyalty she has shown over the 5 months we have known each other . There is not the passion and longing for her that I have for you. You make me feel alive every time l see you. My love for you can only grow stronger the longer we have been together. Remember I see and talk more to you than Nui due to her work commitments. I am sure that if you give our relationship further time we will become an even stronger couple. If you don't want to continue with me I certainly understand, as you pointed out yesterday the future is in the hands of the gods, so neither of us knows what tomorrow holds but I am very willing to continue to be a part of your life if you let me. I am not angry at you asking and in your position would probably ask the same question. I hope this eases your mind and that we can continue as before. Your comments to this email would be appreciated. Love papa xxxxx
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