Exhibit 5.12 shows key financial data for Apple and BlackBerry for the three fiscal years 2010–2012. (Five
years’ worth of data, 2008–2012, and related analysis are available online in Connect.) Using the financial
ratios presented in the five tables in the “How to Conduct a Case Analysis” module (near the back of the text,
after the MiniCases), do the following.
1. Calculate some key profitability,activity, leverage,liquidity, and marketratios for Apple and BlackBerry over time.
2. Conduct a dynamicfirm profitability analysis over time (fiscal years2008–2012) as shown in Exhibit 5.1. Can you find signs of performance differentials between thesetwo firms that may have indicated problems at
BlackBerry? When did BlackBerry’s performance problems become apparent?
3. Make a recommendation to Thorsten Heins, the CEO of BlackBerry, about actions he could take to
improve firm performance.
4. Make a recommendation to Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, about actions he could take to improve firm