The tradition of merit ข้าวประดับดิน (merit nine months)
period (day 14 September hotel night month 9)
.The tradition of merit ข้าวประดับดิน. A tradition held for charity dedicated to those who have passed away. And to dedicate the merit to the beast or Banshee essence
He wrote that the ancient "The great โมคคั Villa Inn แทรกแผ่นดิน down to visit hell. Which he is เสวยกรรม in Dan. When you go to put Inferno beast is not, เสวยกรรม respectively.Charitable merit and go. When พระโมคคัลลา Inn back to India announced this news to the public. The day that match the วันดับ nine months (the waning days of 15 dinner), so take the such a merit with soil rice "
.The causes to the early because they believe that the mystery to expel the ghost shit to have time on earth human only two hours from hit 4 to 6. In the morning, and to put the offering with the ground to pred get easily.The single return time.