Grandma & I are not coming to Thailand this December anymore. I have so much work with Suong & can't leave her by herself. Plus I have no money & need to work.
Grandma has been having problems with her money also. When Roger found her Western Union receipts that she has been sending money home to your mom, they got into a big fight over it.
Roger blamed the fact that grandma always hiding behind his back & sending money home to your mom for him to run away with his mistress in Thailand. For whatever it's worth, grandma still has to listen to Roger, he's still her husband & he's also in charge of their finance. Grandma has no saying at all when it comes to money.
Grandma can not take a lot of her money out, without Roger's signatures. Things are very hard for grandma right now. She has no money & very upset & worried.
Roger is not Thai & he doesn't understand why grandma still has to help your mom. To him your mom is 62 years old & you are 40 years old. In America, parents kick their children out of the house when they turned 18 years old. So that's why grandma is in a very tough situation right now because Roger doesn't understand why she still has to send money to your mom.
Last time when grandma was in Thailand, someone stole her credit card & used it. Roger found out & would not let grandma have credit cards anymore.
I will try to help you open a business when I have money. I won't forget about you, don't worry. I don't operate well with gossips & drama. I am no longer thinking like a Thai person. When I have problems , I talk things out & take care of them. Gossips, drama, this one says that, that one says this, to me it's a bunch on nonsense & wasting my time.
Right now I don't have money. But when I have it, I want to open a business for you. No more spending money on stupid things. And you need to be honest with me from now on. I don't do well with someone that's lying & not honest. I will have a very hard believing.
Na Tik.