2.7. Microbiological analysis
Raw sample (10 g) was placed in sterile plastic bags (Sterilin, Stone,
Staffordshire, UK) with 90 mL of peptone water. After 1 min in a stomacher
blender (Colworth 400, Seward, London, UK), different dilutions
were made up to determine the different microorganism counts. Aerobic
mesophilic bacteria were determined on 3M Petrifilm™ plates for
total counts, incubated at 35 °C for 48 h. Enterobacteria were determined
on 3M Petrifilm™ plates for enterobacteria incubated at 37 °C
for 24 h, Escherichia coli were determined on 3M Petrifilm™ plates for
E. coli incubated at 37 °C for 24 h and molds and yeasts were determined
on Rose Bengal plates with chloramphenicol incubated at 28 °C for
5 days. All results are reported as log10 colony forming per gram (CFU).