Basic Access is being decommissioned because it has been identified as one of the top cyber security risks to the company. This is because it is possible to gain access to SINet resources using only a valid username and password. As phishing attacks become a daily occurrence and credentials are easily stolen, we can no longer allow access to key SINet resources from the Internet using this simple authentication method.
There are two types of resources in SINet that employees access remotely - Business applications and Benefits websites.
If you are required to use a non-Schlumberger device to reach business applications to do your job, you must enroll for "Business Web Access" and will need an Entrust soft token. This will give you access to both business and benefits websites. You must enroll for Business Web Access and obtain an Entrust Soft Token by December 17th. Full details are in the user guide at
If you only need to use benefits related services, the new method is "Benefits Web Access". Your rights for this service will be automatically provisioned. The user guide for Benefits Web Access can be found at
Basic Access will be decommissioned on December 17th. Please ensure you follow the relevant user guide if you wish to continue to have access to Schlumberger resources from the Internet from a non-Schlumberger device.