Pol.. True. I Kua said the arrest. Because The Night Was informed by locals that there is a serious spat at the victim's home. The officers patrol the Creek Confederacy. Therefore, to determine whether the body found was elated wallowing in his blood, died on the mat at home. F activities were wounded in an armed knife teeth in the head by the side of the body found was celebrated troublemaker sitting in drunkenness. And pain from the wound area was hit hard by the right ear part at the scene. Signs of struggle And pounding each weapon Is knives and pangas long bamboo bong falls at the scene. The previous records. The celebration will take to heal wounds at a hospital in Nong Bua later. But the circumstantial evidence in the preliminary investigation that the deceased and the cause of action. Cousins And neurotic young couple, but not treated Mr. celebration. Confessed to the On the scene The sitting talk And drinking whiskey at home with the deceased at the scene. But during the conversation seat He has said, A side dish to eat it or not. Because I have not eaten rice for dinner. The deceased was sent back to families at home. It was their ire First Shortness only be countered strongly. Then grab a weapon to hurt As a result, the deceased was their teeth in the head with a knife, pangas such deaths.