• The misuse or incorrect use of the relieves by economic agents of motion of the revenues from taxable
companies to companies enjoying a favorable tax regime due to the relieves.
Formal solution is to grant tax relieves only to those investors who otherwise would not invest. However, it is
difficult to determine which specific projects can be implemented solely because of a tax relief. It is equally
difficult for the economy as a whole to assess the level of investment in the presence of preferential tax treatment
or without it. Additional costs of revenue loss due to the use of tax relieves arise from the erosion of the revenue
base at the taxpayers' expense, using preferential treatment for the purpose of tax evasion, tax planning, or
conducting inappropriate activities.
Costs of resource allocation. Successful application of tax relieves contributes to additional investments in
sectors, regions, or countries that would not be implemented without these relieves. Sometimes, the cause of
investments is the correction of market failures. At the same time, not completely efficient preferential policy
may result in uneven distribution of resources, with some activities obtaining overinvestment, and others lacking
the investments. Determination of the effect of tax relieves on the markets of developed countries is a challenge.
But it is even harder to figure out is whether the use of tax relieves for the more imperfect markets of developing
countries can make these markets more competitive (Klemm et al., 2009).