To test the sensitivity of the PCR in the presence of fish tissue,
การทดสอบความไวของ PCR ในเนื้อเยื้อของปลา
Samples spiked with the bacterium were used. Two healthy goldfish were
sacrificed and their spleens were aseptically removed, trimmed, and
weighed. A culture of M. marinum (NCIMB 1297) was harvested as
described in Section 2.1 and the resulting suspension adjusted to
OD610 = 1.0 in a spectrophotometer. To confirm this concentration, the
turbidity of the suspension was adjusted to McFarland 1.0. Ten-fold serial
dilutions of this Mycobacterium culture were prepared in 1 ml of TE buffer and then added to 25 mg samples of spleen prior to homogenisation
using autoclaved pestles. Purified DNA was extracted from each suspension
using a NucleoSpin® Tissue kit (Macherey-Nagel, Düren, Germany)
following the manufacturer's instructions. Using the above primer sets,
PCR was carried out on the DNA extracted from the tissue spiked with
of Mycobacterium marinum (NCIMB 1297)