Dear Mr Tony Ooi,
I must apologise most sincerely to yourself and to Unimech as company because I now have found myself in a situation which I , personaly feel, prevents me commencing work for you on 1st November 2016.
I also apologise that this is very short notice that I am giving you, and I will now give my reasons as to why I feel I cannot continue.
Within the company that I currently work for, there has been some fraudulent activity within the accounts department. The figure in question is quite large and the Police are now involved in dealing with the person in question, who has quite plainly, committed a premeditated and well planned crime.
To this end, please understand that although not directly involved, I do feel that it is my duty to remain in my current position in order to assist the company in this matter, both from a legal and auditing of accounts perspective, and not to walk away into a new position whilst this is ongoing.
I do hope that you can understand my situation and I, once again apologise for letting Unimech down.
Yours sincerely