Value Betting is LIVE!
Hey guys,
Today, we have some pretty big news: Value betting is going live!
This means, for each item, we've assigned a specific value (roughly according to the steam market).
With this, we're now allowing mythical item betting as well as immortals and even arcanas!
(More info on how it works:
Along with this great news, we're also doubling our bots - this should drastically reduce queue waiting time and should mean our bots will never be full.
However, the key betting (which is now open to everyone) will be kept seperate - so when betting keys - you will only get keys back - as it is now :)
Note: If you bet Socketed items, there's a good chance you won't get the exact same item back.
We keep track of item names that were placed not specifc items, so you'll get an item back (with same name/rarity), but probably not the exact same item you bet - so, avoid betting socketed items where possible.
We trust you'll enjoy our new system - ez life ez immortals :O
So, go try our new system out - there should be some games up soon.