Wound is a clinical entity and is as old as mankind, often possesses
problem in clinical practice. A lot of research has been
visaged to develop the better healing agents and it has been hallenging task to discover healing agents and keep up pace with
oblems encountered.
Wound may be defined as a loss or breaking of cellular and
anatomic or functional continuity of living tissue. Wound healing
wound repair is the body’s natural process of regenerating dermal and epidermal tissue. Wounds can be broadly categorized ving either an acute or a chronic etiology including bites, burns,
surgical wound abrasion, laceration or acute inflammatory phase
followed by synthesis of collagen and the extracellular macrmolecules which are later remolded to form, scar (Deodhar and
ana, 1997).
The process of wound healing occurs in four phases: (i) coagulation,
which prevents blood loss, (ii) inflammation and debridement
wound, (iii) repair, including cellular proliferation, and (iv) tissue
modeling and collagen deposition (Puratchikody et al., 2006).