control group
basal physiological
ranging up
until (3)
360 mM in moderate elevated though physiological concentrations,
and (4) 720 mM in high pathologic and
potentially cytotoxic metabolic conditions.
Stearic acid (SA), palmitic acid (PA), and oleic acid (OA;
Sigma–Aldrich) were dissolved in a stock solution of pure
ethanol at concentrations of 25, 150, and 200 mM,
respectively. These ethanol stock solutions were vortex
mixed for 4 minutes and diluted to obtain the desired final
concentration in the culture medium. Before use, all media
were vigorously shaken and filter sterilized under aseptic
conditions. Non-esterified fatty acid solvability was
checked in all NEFA medium samples before exposure to
determine whether the intended concentrations wereactually achieved. Final NEFA concentrations were
measured at the “Algemeen Medisch Labo” (Antwerp,
Belgium), using commercial photometric assays, RX Daytona
(Randox Laboratories). Measurements were carried
out according to the manufacturers’ instructions
suggest correlation concentrations similarobservations made basis findingsestablished treatmentcontrol group basal physiologicalconcentrations ranging up until (3)360 mM in moderate elevated though physiological concentrations,and (4) 720 mM in high pathologic andpotentially cytotoxic metabolic conditions.Stearic acid (SA), palmitic acid (PA), and oleic acid (OA;Sigma–Aldrich) were dissolved in a stock solution of pureethanol at concentrations of 25, 150, and 200 mM,respectively. These ethanol stock solutions were vortexmixed for 4 minutes and diluted to obtain the desired finalconcentration in the culture medium. Before use, all mediawere vigorously shaken and filter sterilized under asepticconditions. Non-esterified fatty acid solvability waschecked in all NEFA medium samples before exposure todetermine whether the intended concentrations wereactually achieved. Final NEFA concentrations weremeasured at the “Algemeen Medisch Labo” (Antwerp,Belgium), using commercial photometric assays, RX Daytona(Randox Laboratories). Measurements were carriedout according to the manufacturers’ instructions
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