1. Take blood
Take blood
from healthcare worker:
anti-HCV, anti-HIV-1/2,
HBV: immunized: anti-HBs, unimmunized: anti-HBc
unclear: anti-HBc + anti-HBs
2. Strongly recommended: from index patient
(pay attention to diversity in legal basis):
anti-HCV, if positive HCV-PCR
anti-HIV-1/2, if positive HIV-PCR
HBsAg: if injured person‘s immunity uncertain
3. Assess risk of transmission
• according to type of exposure (e.g. amount of transferred blood, large hollow bore?)
• according to infection status of index patient, viral load
4. Check immunization status of healthcare worker (HBV, tetanus)
• if necessary, immunize or administer of immunoglobulin
5. Compile medical report for accident insurance company