Anthony passed out from excitement.
Ian grinned wildly.
"I am so writing 'I want to make love to Scootaloo' on his forehead."
When Anthony awoke, Lyra, Ian, and Bon-Bon were laughing at him.
"What's so funny?"
Ian tried to suppress a giggle, but ended up nearly throwing up.
"Uh, your hair, is... funny..."
"Really, let me fix it..." Anthony flipped his hair side to side. Lyra suddenly grabbed her lower abdomen.
"Oh yeah, I forgot I could do that..."
"Anyway, you guys head over to Sugercube corner while I go get Lyra some replacement ovaries," Bon-Bon said, putting Lyra into a cart and pulling her away.
"Aw man, I can't wait to meet Pinkie Pie! This is going to be so awesome!"
The two friends turned pony set out to Sugarcube corner. However, they met somepony along the way.
"Hey guys, how's it going?" The Teleporting Fat Pony asked.
"Hey! There you are! send us back!" Ian reached over for the device.
"No way dude! This is too sweet!" Anthony shoved Ian's hoof away from the Teleporting Fat Guy's wrist thingamabobber.
"Anyway, I gotta trot guys, I may have laid the wrong pony. See yah!"
Anthony stared after the Teleporting Fat Pony as he wobbled away.
"Huh. I wonder who-"
"OUTA MAH WAY!" Applejack smashed Anthony out of the way, into a nearby trashcan. "NOPONY LAYS MAH SISTER AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!"
"Jesus, the Teleporting Fat Guy- er, Pony sure is a pedo!" Anthony brushed the refuse from his coat.
"Yeah, sure, Scootalover," Ian said, trying not to laugh again.
"What?" Anthony looked over at Ian, oblivious to the writing on his face.
"Nothing, man. C'mon, let's go to this gay Sugarcube corner place."
Once reaching Sugarcube Corner, Ian saw something that infuriated him beyond belief.
Ian ran at full speed into the pole, smashing it, maiming it, hitting it with fillies, and other things.
"Hey, who's attacking my pet barbershop pole?" Pinkie Pie bounced out of Sugarcube Corner. Anthony shrieked in pleasure.
"Um, what?" Pinkie said, obviously confused.
"Let me touch your mane!"
Pinkie Pie smiled nervously. "OKi doki loki! Just don't get weird, ok?"
Anthony was chewing on her hair. "Mmm... cotton candy..."
"Ok, now see, that's weird."
Anthony spit out Pinkie's hair. "Heh. Sorry. I'm just a huge fan, that's all."
"You're not a fan, silly! You're a pegasus! Those aren't even related!" Pinkie laughed, then thought about that. "Or are they?"
Anthony laughed. "Sorry about your pet barbershop pole, Ian hates those. I'm Anthony by the way."
Pinkie suddenly gasped. "OH MY GOODNESS! ARE YOU TOBUSCUS?"
Anthony looked at Pinkie Pie with a quizzical look.
"I'm just kidding, I know you're Shane Dawson."
There was an awkward silence, with only the sound of Pip being smashed into the barbershop pole to provide a background
"KIDDING! I noticed your cutie marks, and by the way, I love the food battles!" Pinkie Pie and Anthony walked into Sugarcube Corner, and Anthony got behind the counter.
"I hope you know how to handle the shop!"
"Trust me, I once sold Lemonade to a homeless guy. I know how the business world works."
Anthony's first customer walked in.
"Hi!" Scootaloo walked into the bakery. "I'm here to pick up a 'Congratz on the sex' cake for Applebl...oo..." Scootaloo stared up into Anthony's smiling face with the prophetic words written upon it. Slowly, she turned around and sprinted out.
Pinkie Pie laughed. "You may want to wash your face."
Anthony looked in a mirror.
Anthony went to wash his face, while Ian walked in looking very sweaty.
"Hey, do you have any more british kids? That one's all used up."
"Ian, you can't go around beating the Barbershop Pole with small foals. Somepony's bound to complain."
"I'm not sure you understand the magnitude of this situation. HE SLEPT WITH MY FUTURE WIFE!"
"But if she's your future wife, how do you know she's not a total bitch, and her cheating on you was the perfect excuse to leave her?"
Ian tried to respond, but Pinkie's logic dumbfounded him.
"Well damn. Nice one!"
Pinkie Pie jumped up on the table and said triumphantly "PINKIE THE MASTER OF COMEBACKS!"
Ian starred with pure loathing at the pink pony. "THAT'S MAH LINE..."
Anthony returned with an alligator attached to his face.
"Um, can somepony help me? I think it's eating my soul."