1. Multinational students in New Zealand Ward and Searle (1991)
2. New Zealanders in Singapore Ward and Kennedy (1992)
3. New Zealand AFS students abroad Ward and Kennedy (1993a)
4. Singaporean and Malaysian students in New Zealand Ward and Kennedy (1993b)
5. Malaysian students in Singapore Ward and Kennedy (1993b)
6. Britons in Hong Kong Ward and Kennedy (1993c)
7. New Zealand civil servants abroad Ward and Kennedy (1994)
8. Americans in Singapore Ward and Chang (1997)
9. Singaporean students abroad Kennedy (1998)
10. Multinational students in New Zealand Berno andWard (1998)
11. Singaporeans in United States Ward and Inserto (1998)
12. Hong Kong and PRC Chinese in Singapore Ward and Chang (1998)
13. Britons in Singapore Ward and Kennedy (1998b)
14. Filipina domestics in Singapore Ward, Chang and Lopez-Nerney (1999)
15. Multinational aid workers in Nepal Ward and Rana-Deuba (1999)
16. Japanese students in New Zealanda Ward et al. (1999)