Fw: Work and Holiday Visa (Thanawat Maimansomsuk -- AA4972917) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
immigration.bangkok@dfat.gov.au (immigration.bangkok@dfat.gov.au) เพิ่มในรายชื่อผู้ติดต่อ สิ่งที่แนบมา 14:52 ให้ข้อความนี้อยู่ที่ด้านบนของกล่องขาเข้า เอกสาร
ถึง: fiatcokezero@hotmail.com
Outlook.com มุมมองที่ใช้งานอยู่
1 สิ่งที่แนบมา (145.6 กิโลไบต์)
ดาวน์โหลดเป็น zipบันทึกไปยัง OneDrive
Dear Mr Thanawat Maimansomsuk,
I am writing in regards to the Visa Subclass 462- Work and Holiday Visa
received at the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Australian
Embassy, Bangkok on 27/07/2015.
As part of the Work and Holiday Visa application, all applicants must meet
Australia's health requirements.
The department now uses an online health system known as eHealth to record
your health examination results and conduct your health assessment. The
eHealth program requires that the medical examination be conducted only
after a visa application has been validly lodged with the Embassy.
Attached is a Health Assessment letter in which you will need to bring with
you when undertaking the medical examination process. Please present the
letter to the Panel Doctor for your examination along with a certified copy
of your passport, a copy of your I.D. card, a copy of your receipt of your
payment made to VFS at the time of the application lodgement.
A list of approved panel doctors is available on our website:
You must undergo the medical examination within 7 business days after you
are taken to have received this message,
There is no obligation on this office to make further requests for
information if this request is not responded to. A decision will be made
on this application after the given period has expired whether the request
has been responded to or not.
Yours Sincerely,
(See attached file: AA4972917.pdf)