The results revealed that condition that influenes to giving up cigarettes of people in Pluk-lae is psychological factors ,which means that social status influences to stop smoking of people in Pluk-lae because people who have role in society want to be models to other people. And the another condition is infrastructure which means experiences of being disease influences to giving up smoking of people in Pluk - lae, for people who used to be diseases, caused from smoking, will realize that they do not want to be the same diseases again. In term of perceived susceptibility , perceiving about severe, diseases , advantage of disease protection , and barriers influence to giving up cigarettes of people in Pluk-lae, since it causes belief that will lead to giving up smoking. The incentive to quit smoking, it is a driving force in the person to determine the behavior of smoking cessation is to quit smoking. There is also the emotional social support. Assessment And the influence of circumstances that influence smoking cessation by encouraging them to encourage the habit of smoking cessation. And the influence of the situation will help to quit smoking successfully.