Neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, and maximum-
likelihood trees of red snapper mtDNA haplotypes
were generated to help resolve relationships inferred
from nested clade analysis and to determine which
clades were interior/ancestral. Identification of interior/
ancestral clades is critical for determining geographic
distance(s) between tip and interior clades in the highest
nested level (the total cladogram nested together) and
Fig. 1 Collection localities (black circles) of Gulf red snapper
(Lutjanus c ampechanus) from waters offshore of Dauphin Island
(Alabama), Port Fourchon (Louisiana), and Port Aransas (Texas)
for subsequent contingency test of the entire structure
(Templeton and Sing 1993; Templeton et al. 1995). Trees
were generated using PAUP 4.0b10 (Swofford 2001) and
all trees were rooted with homologous ND-4 sequences
of the closely related species L. peru (Pacific red snapper).
The most appropriate models and parameter estimates
for maximum-likelihood and neighbor-joining
trees were determined using MODELTEST 3.06 (Posada and
Crandall 1998). The most appropriate model was the
general time reversible model with among-site rate variation
approximated using the proportion of invariable
sites (GTR+I).