4. Conclusion
RB maltodextrins with low DE group (DE 10–14) showed better improvement of the wound closure compared to high DE group (DE 15–19 and DE 20–24) as proven in the in vitro wound healing model. Interestingly, RB maltodextrin with low DE value alone treatment had exhibited the best recovery rate in wound healing treatment by an evidence shown in the wound scratch assay, trypan blue, MTT cytotoxic, and BrdU cell proliferation assay compared with those treatment containing the addition of additives. When compared to the COM maltodextrin, RB maltodextrins exhibited higher healing efficiency as shown in the wound healing, MTT cell viability, and BrdU cell proliferation assays. More importantly, RB maltodextrins also did not induce irritation effect in the RBC assay. In conclusion, RB maltodextrin has successfully shown a positive influence to speed up in vitro wound closure and play a beneficial role in wound healing.