Conversation started 16 มกราคม
Andrew Dariusz
16/01/2014 01:05
Andrew Dariusz
Dear, how are you doing? I hope everything is well with you over there, my name is Andrew Dariusz. am originally from Liverpool. was born in London United Kingdom. I saw your picture here when i was searching for one of my colleague. i just want to compliment your gorgeous look. if the chance is given to me to express my feelings for you I will not hesitate to establish a serious friendship with you, do not let my age border you because ages is just a number and a blessing from God. I believe I am the type of man a woman would love to make friend with. because I have all the qualities a man should have, am not here for head games or pretending. well let me end it here, if you are interested don't hesitate to reply back to me. so that i will tell you more about myself and we can know each other more better, Hope to read back from you soonest.