8.15.7* Exterior Projections. Unless the requirements of,, or are met, sprinklers shall be installed under exterior
projections exceeding 4 ft (1.2 m) in width.* Sprinklers shall be permitted to be omitted where
the exterior projections are constructed with materials that
are noncombustible, limited-combustible, or fire retardant–
treated wood as defined in NFPA 703. Sprinklers shall be permitted to be omitted from below
the exterior projections of combustible construction, provided
the exposed finish material on the exterior projections are noncombustible,
limited-combustible, or fire retardant–treated
wood as defined in NFPA 703, and the exterior projections contain
only sprinklered concealed spaces or any of the following
unsprinklered combustible concealed spaces:
(1) Combustible concealed spaces filled entirely with noncombustible
(2) Light or ordinary hazard occupancies where noncombustible
or limited-combustible ceilings are directly attached
to the bottom of solid wood joists so as to create enclosed
joist spaces 160 ft3 (4.5 m3) or less in volume, including
space below insulation that is laid directly on top or within
the ceiling joists in an otherwise sprinklered attic [see]
(3) Concealed spaces over isolated small exterior projections
not exceeding 55 ft2 (5.1 m2) in area
8.15.7* Exterior Projections. Unless the requirements of,, or8.15.7.4 are met, sprinklers shall be installed under exteriorprojections exceeding 4 ft (1.2 m) in width.* Sprinklers shall be permitted to be omitted wherethe exterior projections are constructed with materials thatare noncombustible, limited-combustible, or fire retardant–treated wood as defined in NFPA 703. Sprinklers shall be permitted to be omitted from belowthe exterior projections of combustible construction, providedthe exposed finish material on the exterior projections are noncombustible,limited-combustible, or fire retardant–treatedwood as defined in NFPA 703, and the exterior projections containonly sprinklered concealed spaces or any of the followingunsprinklered combustible concealed spaces:(1) Combustible concealed spaces filled entirely with noncombustibleinsulation(2) Light or ordinary hazard occupancies where noncombustibleor limited-combustible ceilings are directly attachedto the bottom of solid wood joists so as to create enclosedjoist spaces 160 ft3 (4.5 m3) or less in volume, includingspace below insulation that is laid directly on top or withinthe ceiling joists in an otherwise sprinklered attic [see11.](3) Concealed spaces over isolated small exterior projectionsnot exceeding 55 ft2 (5.1 m2) in area
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