One of the most promising innovations in smart packaging being pursued by many companies
has been the use of nanotechnologies to develop antimicrobial packaging to prolong product
shelf-life (Meetoo 2011) and reduce the need for man-made preservatives (Sekhon 2010). One
material developed for potential food packaging applications is based on nanostructured silicon
with nanopores. The potential application includes detection of pathogens in food and variations
of temperature during food storage. Another relevant development is aimed at providing a basis
for intelligent preservative packaging technology that will release a preservative only when the
packaged food begins to spoil (ETC-Group 2004; FAO/WHO 2010).
The apparent benefits of substituting active ingredients or carriers with nanosized equivalents has
also opened the door to research into the potential applications of nanotechnology to pesticides,
veterinary medicines and other agrochemicals such as fertilizers and plant-growth regulators.
The anticipated benefits, which are driving current R&D in these areas, include a potential
reduction in the use of certain agrochemicals (such as pesticides) and an increased ability to
control the application and dosage of active ingredients in the field. Despite a great deal of
industrial interest in this area, research is still in an embryonic stage. Although most
developments are currently at a developmental stage, it is likely that the agriculture sector will
see some large-scale applications of nanotechnologies in the next decade that will alert the
consumer to the agrochemicals currently being used in the agriculture production (MacKenzie
2007; FAO/WHO 2010).
There are many other research initiatives exploring more complex, smarter packaging. These
include the use of an array of nanosensors which are sensitive to gases released by food as it
spoils, indicating if it is no longer ‘fresh’ (Meetoo, 2011) or triggering the release of
preservatives to extend the life of the food (Ravichandran 2010). Kraft Foods is also engaged in
producing products which incorporate nanosensors that detect a consumer’s food profile of likes
and dislikes, allergies and the person's nutritional deficiencies. Nanotechnologies could then
respond by releasing accurately controlled amounts of suitable molecules to tailor the smell, taste