I would love to spend a holiday backpacking through another country.
27. My ideal vacation would be on a tropical island.
28. I am a very reliable person.
29. I enjoy cooking.
30. I prefer working alone than in groups.
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree
31. It is important that I get married soon.
32. I talk more than most people.
33. I enjoy solving crossword puzzles and games.
34. I'm very open to trying new foods and different cultures.
35. I often get angry about how I'm treated by others.
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree
36. I feel more comfortable as a follower than a leader.
37. I love to have excitement in my life.
38. I am a hard-working person.
39. I don't express my feelings easily.
40. I don't like scary movies.
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree
41. I feel more comfortable when other people do most of the talking.
42. People probably think I'm stubborn.
43. I feel quite comfortable in large groups of people.
44. I believe there's more than one way to do something correctly.
45. My relationships with my friends are very important to me.
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree
46. I am looking for someone to go out on dates with.
47. I am sensitive to other people's feelings.
48. I rarely get angry.
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree
49. I've never told a lie to avoid negative consequences.
50. I sometimes feel resentful when I don't get my way.
51. I tend to avoid questions about my personal life.
52. I've never forgotten anyone's name when this was important.
53. White lies, like faking orgasm, are perfectly normal in maintaining a relationship.
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree
54. My relationship pattern is best described as serial monogamy -- I go from one relationship to the next without much of a breather.
55. I sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget.
56. When I start a new relationship, I'm sometimes guilty of speaking badly about past relationships.
57. I'm extremely persuasive at getting what I want from people.
58. When I'm in a relationship, I can be critical of my partner.
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree
59. I can't get to know everything about a love interest fast enough.
60. There have been occasions when I took advantage of a romantic partner.
61. Money is an extremely important thing in my life.
62. Sometimes, what I adore about a sweetheart is what ends up driving me crazy about that partner.
63. My relationships tend to get really intense very quickly.
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree
64. I thrive off of romantic relationships where I receive a great deal of admiration and praise.
65. There really isn't any situation that I can't talk my way out of.
66. I have a completely different persona when I'm online than when I'm with my family and friends.
67. My friends or family would say that I'm very good at managing my money.
68. Most of my ex-partners would take me back.
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree
69. I am drawn to others for their strengths especially the ones I don't have.
70. I find that I can only really be myself when I'm online.
71. When I'm not online, I often think about the Internet.
72. Few people love me other than those I know online.
73. People who know me best often complain that I use the Internet too much.