Since the 1970s, research into second language teaching, such as EFL (English as a foreign language) and
ESL (English as a second language learning), has moved away from the quest for a perfect teaching method to
how successful teachers and learners actually achieve their goals. When learners want to make the learning
easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-described, and more transferable to new situations, many strategies are
formed and created lately. Many of their strategies have been generally accepted and applied. Then, many
strategies have been improved and identified in language learning area. Similarly, there have been many
language learning studies that deal with vocabulary learning because of the growing awareness of the
importance of vocabulary. Therefore, research into the specific area of MSs (memory strategies) in vocabulary
learning has been mainly conducted with emphasis on the storage and retrieval process.
In general language strategy research, repetition is a type of strategy that is frequently used by second
language learners. When using learning strategies in vocabulary learning, there have been seen usually many
Kantatip Sinhaneti, Ph.D., associate professor, program director, Shinawatra International University.
Ei Kalayar Kyaw, M.Ed., Shinawatra International University.