Fig. 1 shows the LTCD unit which is equipped with an integrated measurement and control instrumentation. The overall
dimensions of the facility are 4.7 m (length) ,2.5 m (width) and 2.5 m (height). The air ducts are made from steel of 0.8 mm thickness. All the ducts were insulated with 10 mm of Alveolen (Frelen). The square section drying chamber (0.5 m 0.5 m) is of tower (vertical) type and contains a metal tray which is supported on four , side wall mounted, loadcells. A set of four refractory glasses of 10 mm thickness are available to replace the side steel walls when optical clarity and precise visual observations are required. A detailed description of the components and the operational characteristics has been presented in a previous publication [7].
The air and drying product temperatures were measured using calibrated PT 100 with class A tolerance and accuracy
+15 1C. A3-wire transmitter used to connect the probes to the card interface with accuracy 70.2 1C wasused.