Coursera’s Instrumental Analysis – Case Study 2 - Mission NEW
Context: You work for a commercial analytical laboratory, Food Stuff, that provides analytical
services for the food and beverage industry. Many small businesses that make specialty foods must meet
stringent regulations concerning the ingredients and safety of their products. Food Stuff meets those
needs and can do food safety certifications, provide information for nutritional labels, as well as perform
custom analytical measurements targeted at particular businesses, from olive oil producers to
beermakers. Recently your company was approached by a boutique chocolatier with several stores in a
major US city. Your CEO took the visit personally because it turns out the specialty chocolate is a booming
small business in the U.S. with enormous sales growth.
If there was something Food Stuff could do for chocolatiers, it could mean a new lucrative market
for your company.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to provide analytical methods designed to
meet these needs, and the needs generally of chocolatiers. Background: Chocolate is a truly fascinating
substance with interesting history, chemistry and production. Many chocolatiers buy blocks of chocolate,
called couvertures, from chocolate makers. This chocolate, made by chocolate makers, is ready to be
molded, mixed with flavorings, further temperature, or used to create whatever confections the
chocolatier imagines.
Your peer assignment outline – more details coming sooner to when it is due:
1) Describe the measurement context of your case study.
2) Identify three primary measurement needs in bullet form, and should you wish you may
identify three secondary measurement needs. Explain in a sentence how they relate to the context.
3) Recommend sample preparation for both metal and plastic toys.
4) Recommend instrument(s) for purchase in the lab and explain why this choice supports your
measurement needs.
5) Block diagram one instrument.
6) Describe three specific quality control measures you would adopt in the laboratory.