The yield, molecular weight and chemical composition of pectin extracted from citrus peel and apple pomace are shown in Table 1. The highest yield of CPP with 68.88% galacturonic acid was obtained at 120
C, which was close to the glacturonic acid content of pectin extracted by traditional methods (Lim, Yoo, Ko, & Lee, 2012). The statistical variance analysis revealed that the temperature significantly affected the yield of the pectin as well as the galacturonic acid content. For APP, the highest yield of pectin with 40.13% galacturonic acid was gained at 150
C, however, the highest galacturonic acid of 44.37% was obtained at 130
C corresponding to 13.33% pectin yield, which possibly because pectinase was used in concentrated apple juice production and parts of hemicelluloses polysaccharides reacted with pectin thus precipitated together at higher extraction temperature.