There is a need for studies with sensitive measures to determine the micronutrient status of the
overweight or obese peri, pregnant or postpartum woman. The benefits of breastfeeding should
be encouraged by the physician with a strong referral system in place for the dietitian’s
prolonged involvement for weight loss intervention, nutrition education, goals for achieving
weight loss and better role modeling to prevent childhood obesity (Krogstrand, et al, 20005).
There also appears to be a lack of research in the area of how nutrition information is actually
provided to women during the peri, pre and postpartum journey and whether or not these women
have chosen to adhere to the information given (Position Paper of ADA, 2009). The postpartum
period is characterized by numerous factors that may lead to weight retention and poor food
habit modeling to the developing child (
There is a need for studies with sensitive measures to determine the micronutrient status of theoverweight or obese peri, pregnant or postpartum woman. The benefits of breastfeeding shouldbe encouraged by the physician with a strong referral system in place for the dietitian’sprolonged involvement for weight loss intervention, nutrition education, goals for achievingweight loss and better role modeling to prevent childhood obesity (Krogstrand, et al, 20005).There also appears to be a lack of research in the area of how nutrition information is actuallyprovided to women during the peri, pre and postpartum journey and whether or not these womenhave chosen to adhere to the information given (Position Paper of ADA, 2009). The postpartumperiod is characterized by numerous factors that may lead to weight retention and poor foodhabit modeling to the developing child (
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