Dear all,
With a view to proactively prepare for our protocol in the worst case scenario of Thai political riot, following protocols are recommended;
1. Validate and update your contact information in our shared drive rydbkk (S:) to ensure you are contactable. Once completed, ensure saving the data with you.
2. Carry along your laptop back home, to allow remote work access.
3. In case traffic block/difficulty or unsafe condition for commuting between home and office, please stay home and alert your supervisor & colleagues.
a. In case you have alternative shelter/house for better safe than current home, please update in (1) and alert if needed for relocation.
4. SMS will be used to appoint time/date of meeting via teleconference in case our locations are fragmented. (Same manner as flooding in 2011)
a. Rayong could be considered as alternative site/office.
b. The teleconference # is 001-800-1206-66055 with participant code: 8306034# Please save into your mobile phone.