Defending Morata
The complaints from the King Hydra and the Black Imugi were piling up and they seemed ready to explode. The sculptures were not even tired. However ever since they were given life they had only been told to wait even after the battle had started.
'Must wait until I can eat.'
'To become a true dragon I must eat these guys. But I can not move because of the command of the owner.'
The King Hydra species characteristics were brutality and voracity. When the Northern Alliance drew near, the King Hydra's eyes would enlarge.
'I want to eat. I want to eat.'
'Want to eat them.'
'We have seven heads to eat with.'
'It smells so, so delicious.'
Thick saliva dripped from each of the King Hydra's heads. The acidic saliva from the statue mixed into the nearby lake, killing the fish. The Northern Alliance still had not noticed the presence of the King Hydra because of the ongoing battle. However, once Weed showed up, the King Hydra reached the limits of its patience.
The King Hydra splashed acorss the lake and ate up the users of the Northern Alliance. With its heads, it swallowed up 9 users into its big mouths.
"It's a snack. Snack are delicious. A delicacy."
The sound of the crunching of users! The Black Imugi prepared to attack elegantly by summoning a Fireball. The large fire magic was poised in the air, ready to attack. The King Hydra and the Black Imugi were not the same as the ones during the fight against the Embinyu Cult. They were similar, but their levels were far lower and much more vulnerable than before. They magic was weaker, their vitality was not infinity, and they were weaker. They were lacking in all aspects, but the users of the Northern Alliance could not make such a calm judgement.
"Come on!"
The Knights of the Kallamore Kingdom was causing the users to panic. The King Hydra was randomly eating users with its heads and the Black Imugi summoned and dropped Fireballs. Instead of fighting, the users tried to escape from the King Hydra that ate dozens of people. The Black Imugi dropped its fireballs causing the genocide of more than 100 people. The flames spread widely around the debris. The wizards tried to cast protective magic and the archers tried to plan a diversion. However, more people thought about trying to run away to save their lives. The users of the Northern Alliance had not had any experience in performing a siege. Although, even if they had experience, it would not help them in such a situation. Furthermore this was not a normal fight about power that one could predict. With the fear and anxiety, the once powerful Northern Alliance was rapidly dismantling. Some of the guilds began to launch magic attacks at Weed.
"Fire Burst!"
"Frost Circle!"
"Thunder Storm!"
The spells were cast and attacked the ground. Powerful knights charged towards Weed. Archers fired their arrows. Their goal was Weed! They wanted to hunt Weed, the God of War.
'Either way, the winner of the battle does not matter'
'It only matter that I can become famous after killing Weed.'
The users that were over level 300, the core power of the Northern Alliance, launched their attack on Weed. There was a significant amount of users that were conserving their mana in order to aim it at Weed.
The Phoenix flew forwards Weed, dedicated to protect the owner's life. There were magical and physical attacks from over 37 people were met with the Phoenix's wings.
-Burst Fire has been absorbed.
-Ice Circle has decreased health by 4269.
-Phoenix's body has failed to absorb Thunder Storm. 3210 health is gone.
Ice and water magic ate away at the Phoenix's health but the fire magic restore it. Arrows also stuck into its body. The Phoenix managed to stay strong in the face of the magic and physical attacks.
Phoenix was suffering horrible pain. Even with his huge level and high health, the consecutive powerful strikes caused a heavy amount of damage. The continuous attacks could have possibly been fatal. He lost health until he was at 24%. Weed immediately started blaming him.
"This ignorant bastard!"
"Nevermind, all birds are the same. Even if they have a head they don't know how to use it!"
If he had been hurt then he would have started to nag at the Wyverns and Bingryong.
That was prevented because of Phoenix.
'That was good.'
'He is able to take care of the owner better than myself.'
'That's our junior.'
The sculptures of life wanted to live a good and selfish life!
Weed did not want the last Phoenix to die. It was also the same for the other sculptures of life. Even if he won the war, if he lost a sculpture of life then it would be a big loss. To give life to another masterpiece or a bunch of classic pieces would cost him at much as 10 levels. He had told this to the Wyvern and Bingryong several times already.
"Do not die."
Weed's voice sank and sounded slightly moist and sweet. Bingryong began to have frozen tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
"You have yet to break even."
"You need to work for the next 20 years to cover the losses I made on you, at the very least, right? Do not make any risky actions or you'll be wasting my money like this."
Even if you want to die, then you cannot die until you have made a lot of money.
"Let's prepare the magic attack again. Weed is still in the sky."
"Let's all attack at once."
You can not afford to give your enemies an opportunity on the battlefield. There was a dense number of users in the Northern Alliance so Weed could not miss an opportunity now.
"Phoenix, Bingryong. Start now. Do not lose against the youngests."
The Black Imugi and the King Hydra that Weed had made were already going around and attacking. The newly created sculptures were powerful but there were a considerable amount of level 300 users that were dangerous. He did not know about the Kallamore Knights and the Geomchis, but the King Hydra and the Black Imugi would be surprisingly easy to kill.
Phoenix began flying to the center at full speed. Everywhere he passed by a rain of flames fell down. With the Phoenix's power of fire! As the rain of fire fell, the knights and soldiers began to rapidly burn as the fire attached itself to them. Fire damage was limited to an individual but now it was on an incredibly large range. The ground was covered in flames. The flames could be removed with water related magics from wizards or from priests. But the flame rained down on such a wide range all over the area. This meant an enormous amount of damage accumulation.
"Take care when fighting Wyverns. Do not be too greedy!"
"Alright Master."
The Wyverns were much weaker in the early level 300 so a group of 10 wizards could easily defeat them if they were single targeted. They needed to avoid being defeated by magic and falling to their deaths. Luckily wizards were very difficult classes to level up. In the Northern Alliance, there were maybe only about 500 wizards and most of them have already exhausted their magic.
"Geumini, go help the Wyverns."
"Alright Master."
"I'll lend you the wings for you to hunt with."
To let Geumini fight with the Wyverns, he lend him the wings. He did not want the precious gold ingots that Geumini was made of to fall to the ground and disappear without a word.
"Bingryong, be sure to fight well. Help the Wyverns out."
"Leave the Wyverns to me.