The Likert scaled items developed from these studies were refined and used in several
additional studies examining regulation of motivation within junior high school (Wolters &
Rosenthal, 2000), high school (Wolters, 1999b), and college students (Wolters, 2001). The
seven point response scale used ranges from 1 (“not very true of me’) to 7 (“very true of me”)
with no labels for the intervening response categories. A set of instructions that precede and
contextualize the items were also developed (see Appendix B). Although limited in size (see
Table 2), the samples of students used in these studies were, as a whole, diverse with respect to
gender, ethnicity, and ability level. Data from this series of studies substantiates the view that
these items tap into discrete regulation of motivation strategies in an internally consistent and
reliable manner.