In explaining these and other observed gender differences, economists have offered
supply and demand side explanations. Supply side explanations usually emphasize the
role of women in the family, which affects their human capital investment and career
choices (Mincer and Polachek, 1974; Polachek, 1981). Demand side explanations focus
on employer and employee discrimination. We refer the reader to Altonji and Blank
(1999) for a review of these theories, Neumark, Blank, and Van Nort (1996) or Goldin
and Rouse (2000) for empirical evidence.
In explaining these and other observed gender differences, economists have offeredsupply and demand side explanations. Supply side explanations usually emphasize therole of women in the family, which affects their human capital investment and careerchoices (Mincer and Polachek, 1974; Polachek, 1981). Demand side explanations focuson employer and employee discrimination. We refer the reader to Altonji and Blank(1999) for a review of these theories, Neumark, Blank, and Van Nort (1996) or Goldinand Rouse (2000) for empirical evidence.
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