My Love,
Honey what I mean is that you are the only woman in my life now and you are the only love of my life and want to live the rest of my life with you. Here is my email address
What ever situation I found myself I always give Glory to God. Please I need your prayers.
We are in a very serious problem here and need God intervention. The brain box of the ship is having a very serious problem and we are all confused here and beside we just received information from the Signal house that there are sea pirates from Indonesia blocking the sea and they are about 312 KM away from us and the nearest place for this Ship to anchor is Labuan Island somewhere in South Malaysia.
As it is now, we are no longer safe because we fear the pirates attack because the ship is very slow now. We have called for a rescue team but we are yet to get a response from our headquarters
The captains of the Ship have announced that the SHIP will duck here for another 20 days until its safe to continue sailing.
Honey my problem now is, my money £350,000.00 (Three Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds) which I kept in my cabin safe box. I do not want it stolen from me in the event of any attack. My plan was to use this money to buy Metal oil in drums from Australia and supply to a company in Mexico I already had contract agreement with.
Honey, as the Director of Operation in this Ship, I have to take care of this ship until all GOODS/PRODUCT are completely discharged.
Now there are so many security company stands at the sea shore and I am thinking of what to do?and at this time I need you to stand by me. I don't know what to do now. I want to quickly send you the money so that you can help me to secure it in your place until I have the chance to make my trip and meet you soonest. I know we have not met each other but I TRUST you and give you my whole heart so that life can move straight with us and I know you will never disappoint or hurt me because we are already two in one flesh. I have learned to take life as it happens as I remember everything happens for a reason.
I will discussed with one of the security company here. They will proceed delivery immediately I get a confirmation from you to assist me in receiving this money because there is no bank here and I don't want to loose the money to sea pirates because I know how I suffered for it.
Honey quickly forward to me your information as follows to enable me send the money to you immediately through secured security company:-
Your Full Name:
Your Receiving Address:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Please get back to me as soon as possible.
The man that loves you
kuv tus hlubKoj niam dab tsi kuv txhais hais tias yog tias koj yog tus poj niam xwb rau hauv kuv lub neej tam sim no thiab koj yog tus hlub xwb kuv lub neej thiab xav nyob kom tag kuv lub neej nrog koj. Ntawm no yog kuv qhov email address morgangreen422@yahoo.comWhat ever teeb meem no kuv nrhiav tau kuv tus kheej kuv yeej muab hwjchim ci ntsa iab rau Vajtswv. Thov kuv tau koj tej lus thov.Peb nyob loj heev qhov teeb meem no thiab xav tau cov kev cuam tshuam los ntawm Vajtswv. Rau ntawm lub box lub hlwb hauv lub nkoj muaj teeb meem loj heev thiab peb txhua feeb ntawm no thiab cov nyob ib sab peb nyuam qhuav tau txais cov lus qhia ntawm lub teeb liab lub tsev uas muaj cov hiav txwv pirates ntawm Indonesia thaiv cov hlab hiav txwv thiab ntawm peb 312 KM thiab qhov chaw ze no nkoj los thauj tog rau nkoj yog Labuan Island qhov chaw nyob rau sab qab zog Malaysia.Raws li tam sim no, peb yuav tsis zoo vim peb ntshai pirates no vim hais tias lub nkoj qeeb heev lawm. Peb hu tau mus rau ib tug cawm neeg, tiam sis peb tseem tau mus yuav tau ib qhov kev yuav teb los ntawm peb lub tsev hauv pausCaptains rau cov nkoj muaj tshaj tawm tias lub NKOJ yuav duck nov rau lwm 20 hnub kom txog rau thaum nws puas zoo rau koj txais kev sailing.Koj niam kuv qhov teeb meem yog tam sim no, kuv nyiaj £350,000.00 (peb puas thiab tsib caug nplooj yawm British phaus) uas kuv cia kuv alarm zoo kem. Kuv tsis xav muab nyiag los rau kuv thaum twg yuav nres. Kuv lub tswv yim uas yog kom siv cov nyiaj no muas hlau roj hauv drums ntawm Australia thiab muab mus rau lub tuam txhab nyob Mexico kuv twb muaj ntawv cog lus daim ntawv cog lus nrog.Koj niam, yog tus Director ntawm lub lag luam nyob hauv cov nkoj no, kuv yuav tsum saib xyuas no lub nkoj mus txog rau thaum cov khoom/khoom raug kiag li pom.Tam sim no muaj ntau ntau kom ruaj ntseg tuam txhab es tom ntug dej hiav txwv thiab kuv xav tias yuav ua licas? thiab lub sij hawm no kuv xav tau koj sawv ntsug ntawm kuv. Kuv tsis paub yuav tau ua tam sim no. Kuv xav kom sai sai xa koj cov nyiaj uas koj yuav pab tau kuv kom nws nyob rau hauv koj qhov chaw kom txog thaum kuv muaj lub sij hawm yuav ua kom kuv mus txawv tebchaws thiab ntsib koj soonest. Kuv paub hais tias peb muaj tsis tau ntsib lwm tiam sis koj ntseeg thiab qhia tau rau koj mob kuv siab tseem kom txoj sia thiaj txav mus ncaj nraim nrog peb thiab kuv paub tias koj yuav tsis txhob tu siab los ua rau kuv vim hais tias peb yog twb tau ob tug nyob rau hauv ib cov nqaij lawm. Kuv tau kawm mus coj lub neej thaum nws tshwm sim raws li kuv nco txhua yam tshwm sim rau ib vim li cas.Kuv yuav tau tham nrog ib qhov ruaj ntseg niaj hnub no. Lawv yuav npaj mus cuam tamsim ntawd kuv tau ib kabke ntawm koj los pab kuv tau txais cov nyiaj no vim yog tsis muaj txhab nyiaj nyob ntawm no thiab kuv tsis xav plam nyiaj hiav txwv pirates vim kuv paub tias cas kuv raug kev nyuaj rau nws.Koj niam sai nraim rau kuv koj cov ntaub ntawv raws li nram no los pab kom kuv xa cov nyiaj rau koj tam sim ntawd mus ruaj ruaj ntseg lag:-Koj lub npe nyob:Chaw nyob koj tau txais cov nyiaj:Xov tooj:Email chaw nyob:Thov kom rov qab rau kuv sai li sai tau.Tus txiv neej uas tau hlub kojMorgan
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