The current study was conducted in a large academic
hospital, that had participated in CLP (2003–2005) and
where the CLP was facilitated by the head facilitator.
Twelve head nurses took part in the leadership development
programme. In this case study, the unit of
analysis is a nursing unit. We selected a typical case (Yin
2003, p. 40) referring to a nursing unit where the CLP
programme was implemented successfully. The following
criteria were used to select the case: (1) nursing unit
that has participated at the CLP project 2003–2005, (2)
the head nurse demonstrated growth during this period,
and (3) turnover of nurses was minimal (so that most
nurses have experiences with the CLP and its effects on
the unit). The second and third criteria were evaluated
by the nursing director, the CLP facilitator and eight
nursing managers of the hospital, based on perceived
changes in the leaders behaviour and turnover rates of
the 12 units.
The 12-month CLP was based on an action learning
approach; the participants learn to strengthen their
leadership talents and to develop new competencies.