NAV Support
Support contract with Exsys is being used and reported problems are being worked on quickly
Numbers of issues reported is getting steadily less over the past month
Open issues:
Main concern is still the problem that tables get locked when people are posting and timely support is needed to check which users are causing the problem and resolve the situation.
It was decided not to implement the fix suggested by Exsys (batch posting of GL transactions) due to the perceived risk of introducing differences in the system
Permanent on-site support has been requested from Exsys during Nov and Dec, but only 21 days can be provided due to shortage of consultants.
IT is providing shift support from 6:00 PM to midnight.
Navision was temporarily unavailable on three occasions due to problems with the VMWare hosting platform caused by a software bug. This has been resolved by upgrading to a later version and system is stable since two days.