Theoretical Framework
After an exhaustive literature review on both good land governance and sustainable land management,concepts and standards by particular authors were selected for the theoretical framework. The Principles for Good Land Governance (Palmer, et al., 2009) draw on the intent for good governance to steward social justice, and draw on concepts of sustainability to inspire ‘livability’ and quality of life. In that effect, this theoretical model complements the social dimension of this study and supports governance reform toward greater effectiveness in land management. In the case of the theory on sustainability, the FESLM Working Party in Nairobi provided the most relevant set of guidelines for sustainable land management. In combination with the UN-HABITAT Criteria for Sustainable Housing (Golubchikov & Badyina, 2012), and the
work of Ancell and Thompson (2012) related to social dimensions of housing, these models provided a relevant basis by which sustainability could be compared in the Muscat context.