M' = 87.200A5w +33.156
where M —measurement torque, N;
—ariation of magnetic flux density, mTo
Linearity is the proposed to approach the level of the curve
of measurement system for the static properties, that is:
|ALj max|M'-M|
fitting a straight line, N-m;
M. -theoretical value of the torque, N;
According to formula (1) and (2) , errors of linearity of the
torque measurement system is 0.01%.
C. Repeatability
Because the size of the torsion bar of the experiment table
was designed as 2 meters, and was placed bilaterally
symmetrically with the axis of the steel shaft, the maximum
value of the arm of force was 0.95m, and when the suspender
mass was increased to 10.32kg the torque input in was
100.09N.m; and when the suspender mass was further
increased, the suspender mass was increased features of the
measuring system were shown such as shaking and unstable
indication, so the maximum value YF.S of the system was
lOON.m. take the first line of Table 1 as an example, when the
torque of 43.62 N-m was input in the measuring system, the
repeatability of the group of experiment data acquired was
SR =
AR xl00% = KS
x 4n xl00%
^Xl00%: Lxl00%
R —repeatability errors of torque measurement system, %;
&■ —confidence factor, &■ =2, confidence level is 95%
° —standard deviation;
n measurement frequency;
F's —endscale value of torque measurement system,
According to formula(3), calculated to repeatability errors
of torque measurement system, as shown in the 12th list of
Table 1.
Where L —errors of linearity of the torque measurement
system, %;
AZ„ 1 max fitting deviation of Static properties and