Silvicultural event analysis
For several years, silvicultural event analysis has been
an integral part of the curriculum at the Forestry Faculty
in Göttingen, Germany. The basic analysis, involving
silvicultural modifications of forest structure and
growing stock value, is complemented by an evaluation
of the effects of a particular harvest operation on
the soil conditions, the genetic structure of the tree population
and the forest climate, drawing on the specific
expertise of the departments of Soil Science, Forest
Genetics, Forest Zoology and Bioclimatology. Obviously,
the usefulness of the analysis increases with increasing
uncertainty of management and complexity of
decision-making. Therefore, the method is specifically
appropriate in uneven-aged, multi-species forests managed
in the selection system.
The basic data about a particular silvicultural event
are obtained by systematic grid sampling, using fixed
or variable radius circular plots. The assessment,
known as silvicultural event sampling, takes place after
the trees have been marked for removal and before they
are cut. In this way it is possible to simultaneously produce
information about the population of trees before
the silvicultural event, about the removed trees and
about the trees remaining after the event. The silvicultural
event sampling, complemented by soil measurements,
sampling of genetic material, and radiation
measurements, thus provides data about the management
Silvicultural event analysisFor several years, silvicultural event analysis has beenan integral part of the curriculum at the Forestry Facultyin Göttingen, Germany. The basic analysis, involvingsilvicultural modifications of forest structure andgrowing stock value, is complemented by an evaluationof the effects of a particular harvest operation onthe soil conditions, the genetic structure of the tree populationand the forest climate, drawing on the specificexpertise of the departments of Soil Science, ForestGenetics, Forest Zoology and Bioclimatology. Obviously,the usefulness of the analysis increases with increasinguncertainty of management and complexity ofdecision-making. Therefore, the method is specificallyappropriate in uneven-aged, multi-species forests managedin the selection system.The basic data about a particular silvicultural eventare obtained by systematic grid sampling, using fixedor variable radius circular plots. The assessment,known as silvicultural event sampling, takes place afterthe trees have been marked for removal and before theyare cut. In this way it is possible to simultaneously produceinformation about the population of trees beforethe silvicultural event, about the removed trees andabout the trees remaining after the event. The silviculturalevent sampling, complemented by soil measurements,sampling of genetic material, and radiationmeasurements, thus provides data about the management
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